
  • 4 in stock


  • Usually ships in 3-5 business days
  • IC655APU500RMN



  • 32 to 140°F operating temperature
  • 5 to 95% humidity (non-condensing)
  • 5VDC power requirement
  • 600mA current usage
  • 9.8304Mhz clock rate
  • 32K battery-backed RAM
    • Includes 24K EPROM/RAM cartridge
  • Built-in RS-232 and RS-422 serial ports


The GE-Emerson IC655APU500 Series Five ASCII/BASIC Module allows interfacing with external serial devices, such as CRTs, printers, barcode readers, and scales. This unit occupies only one slot of the Series Five PLC CPU or expansion rack and uses 600mA of current from a 5VDC power supply. It features 32K battery-backed RAM with an additional 24K battery-backed EPROM/RAM cartridge. The ASCII/BASIC module utilizes the BASIC programming language to exchange information with the PLC system. This information may include the status of inputs, outputs, internal reference points, and Register data. 

The ASCII/BASIC module has two built-in serial communications ports, which allow interfacing with virtually any ASCII device. Compatible devices include dumb CRT terminals, printers, modems, robots, other ASCII/BASIC Modules, and other serial devices. The ASCII/BASIC module, under the control of the resident BASIC programming language, can access most of the Series Five internal memories.

The BASIC language for this ASCII/BASIC module is a subset of the Intel MCS BASIC-52, with additional commands provided by GE-Emmerson Fanuc. It allows the ability to perform string comparison, calculate string length, perform other string manipulations, renumber BASIC program lines, change baud rate, and reliably transfer data between the CPU and the ASCII/BASIC module.