Remanufactured GE-Emerson IC600YB911 Series Six High Density TTL Output Module
32 output points in four groups of 8.

- Isolation:
- Series Six common to user common
- 2000VDC for 1sec (max.)
- 240VAC 50/60Hz continuous (max.)
- Rate of change (noise immunity) 500V/microsecond (max.)
- Power requirements (supplied by I/O rack or Series 60 rack):
- +5VDC, 180mA max. or 3 power units
- User supplied power:
- To user on module logic at terminal 33:
- 0.25VDC including ripple
- 550mA current (with status indicating LEDs)
- To user output pull up at terminal 34:
- 0 to 15VDC including ripple
- Equivalent load resistance = 1.3K number of outputs used
- To user on module logic at terminal 33:
- Output capabilities:
- ON state, output low:
- Module acts as a current sink
- 25mA per output for TTL compatibility 0.5VDC
- 50mA per output point max. 1.0VDC
- OFF state, output high:
- Open collector operation if PUL (terminal 34) is left open
- Sources current as voltage source equal to terminal 34 voltage minus 0.6V in series with 1.3K resistor
- ON state, output low:
- 40 microseconds max. response time, ON to OFF or OFF to ON
The GE-Emerson IC600YB911 Series Six High Density TTL Output Module can be utilized in an I/O rack or in any of the I/O slots in a Series Six Plus CPU to provide a compact, optically-isolated interface between the backplane I/O bus and field digital circuitry.
Each module provides 32 active low outputs divided into 4 groups, each containing 8 outputs. All 32 outputs are normally updated in the course of one I/O scan. A common return point connects the 32 loads on the module.
The placement of a jumper allows the option of disabling all outputs during a reset condition, or the holding of the last state presented to the outputs even if a reset or failure should occur.
By placement of a second jumper on the module the user can select whether the data received from the CPU is inverted (complemented) or non-inverted before controlling the outputs. Two LED indicators identify the selected modes of operation.
The module is supplied in one version with 32 LEDs (one for each output) indicating the state of each output individually. A particular LED will be illuminated whenever its corresponding output is on.
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