Remanufactured GE-Emerson IC200NDD101 VersaMax Nano 10 Microprocessor
10 points.

- IC200NDD101RMN
- By GE-Emerson
- Six 24VDC inputs
- Four 24VDC outputs
- 24VDC power supply
The GE-Emerson IC200NDD101 VersaMax Nano 10 Microprocessor includes one common ground for all outputs, and one common supply (VC). The outputs can drive high inrush currents and guard against negative voltage impulse, making it possible to switch lamps and inductive loads. The counters have a 10kHz maximum counter frequency and an input voltage of 15V when on and 5V off. There are up to three HSC/PT and/or PWM outputs with a load voltage of 12/24V.
Devices such as lamps and valves use the four transistor circuits. External fusing should be used to protect the outputs, and fast fuses are suggested. The outputs can be arranged as regular outputs or outputs that are regulated by high-speed counters. If outputs are controlled by high-speed counters, they can also be used as Pulse Train and/or Pulse Width Modulation outputs. All of the outputs are switching positive voltage due to isolation between field and logic.
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