Remanufactured GE-Emerson IC697ALG320 High Level Analog Output Module
Voltage/current module, provides 8 channels.

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- IC697ALG320RMN
- By GE-Emerson
- Output module has four outputs individually configurable for voltage or current
- Provides unipolar or bipolar analog voltage outputs up to Ç 10 full scale
- Provides 0 to 22.5 milliamp current loop signals
- Individual user scaling on each output channel
- No jumpers or DIP switches for user to configure
- Calibrated at factory with factory calibration data stored in non-volatile EEPROM memory
The GE-Emerson IC697ALG320 High Level Analog Output Module can be configured using the MS-DOS or Windows programming software running on Windows 95 or higher over Ethernet TCP/IP or through the SNP port. The Programming Software configuration function is installed on the programming device. The programming device can be an IBM XT, AT,PS/2 or compatible PC.
The module accepts digital data from the CPU or other controllers accessing the PLC backplane. This output data is converted by a Digital to Analog (D/A) converter to analog outputs of up to 10V full scale, or 0 to 22.5 milliamp current loop signals.
The basic converter is 16 bits resolution (1 part in 65,536) with 14-bit monotonicity. Outputs are isolated from the backplane and are protected against transient and steady-state overvoltage conditions.
Analog outputs use %AQ references in the PLC. A maximum of 8K words of %AQ memory is available in the PLC. Each output channel uses one word (16 bits) of %AQ memory.
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