Remanufactured GE-Emerson IC697BEM744 FIP Bus Controller Expansion Module
Interfaces FIP or World FIP I/O serial bus to IC697 PLC.

- IC697BEM744RMN
- By GE-Emerson
- Includes 2M of RAM and 2M of Flash memory
- 2.5 Mbits/sec data rate
- Four FIP Bus Controllers per PLC system
- Two FIP bus channels provide redundant bus capability
- RS-485 serial port attaches to PC for easy in-system firmware upgrade (no PROMS to change)
- Pushbutton for resetting Bus Controller and enabling Bus Controller to accept upgrades
- FIP bus faults managed by PLC Alarm processor function
- Six status LEDs
- No DIP switches or jumpers to set
The GE-Emerson IC697BEM744 FIP Bus Controller Expansion Module is a two-channel bus controller that occupies a single slot in an IC697 PLC standard or VME Integrator rack. I/O devices on the FIP bus are scanned asynchronously by the bus controller and I/O data is transferred to the CPU once per scan.
Up to 31 Bus Controllers, of any kind, can be included in an IC697 PLC system. Of the 31 Bus Controllers, a maximum of four can be FIP Bus Controllers.
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