Repair GE-Emerson IC660BPM100 Genius Power Monitoring Block
Integral power supply accepts either 115/230VAC or 125VDC inputs.

- IC660BPM100REP
- By GE-Emerson
- Voltage inputs:
- One to three phase maximum (delta or wye)
- 60 to 120VAC RMS nominal range at 47 to 63Hz
- Up to 300V peak overvoltage and transient range
- Less than 0.1 VA burden per input
- Accuracy of measured voltages: 0.25% reading + 0.25% full scale for nominal range
- 1.0:1 to 2,730:1 configurable PT turns rations, up to 327KV
- Current inputs:
- One to three phases
- 0 to 5 Amps RMS nominal range at 47 to 63Hz
- 5 to 50 Amps RMS transient range at 47 to 63Hz
- 50 Amps for 5 seconds overcurrent withstand, at 10min intervals
- Less than 0.1 VA burden per input
- 0.50% reading + 0.50% full scale accuracy of measured current
- 655:1 configurable CT turn ratios (up to 3,200 Amps)
- 0.1Hz frequency accuracy
- 0.75% reading + 0.75% full scale power measurement accuracy (PF 0.8 or greater)
- Power supply requirements:
- 115/230VAC (90 to 265VAC)
- 47 to 63Hz or 125VDC (100 to 150VDC) at 35VA max.
- Terminal wiring:
- For I/O bus: one AWG #12 or two AWG #14
- For power, CTs, and PTs: up to AWG #10
The GE-Emerson IC660BPM100 Genius Power Monitoring Block accurately measures the RMS values of voltage, current, power, VARs, power factor, and watt-hours, even with distorted waveforms. The block monitors current and voltage inputs and stores digitized waveform values for each input. From these values, the block calculates RMS values of voltage, current, active power, reactive power, KWH, and power factor. Frequency is also measured. The block automatically sends this calculated data to a programmable controller or host computer approximately twice per second. The same data can be displayed on a Hand-held Monitor from any location on the bus.
If an overcurrent transient exceeds a configurable level, the block captures the resulting waveform. A simple measure of system harmonic content indicates the extent to which this problem exists. The block will supply waveform data to the PLC or computer, for harmonic or transient analysis, upon request.
The block can be used with a wye or delta configured three-phase power system or with a single-phase power system. It accepts voltage inputs from as many as three potential transformers, and current inputs from one to three line current transformers, plus a neutral current transformer.
The turns ratios of both current transformers and potential transformers are software-configurable. Current transformers with a secondary rating of up to 5 Amps and primary ratings up to 3,275 Amps for line connections or 325 Amps for auxiliary (neutral) connections may be used. Potential transformers with a secondary rating up to 120VAC (47 to 63Hz) and primary ratings up to 327KV may be used, with line-to-line or line-to-neutral connections.
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