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  • Additional 96 ready to ship within 2-3 days

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  • IC660ELB912REP



The GE-Emerson IC660ELB912 Genius Network Interface Board is intended to function as a daughterboard within a user's microprocessor system. Users have the flexibility to interface the µGENI with the motherboard of any CPU-type device that can read from and write to the general-purpose shared RAM on the µGENI. This device, referred to as the host, facilitates the interaction between the µGENI and the microprocessor system.

The IC660ELB912 functions as a versatile general-purpose controller, responsible for handling initialization tasks and managing faults for more than 30 other bus devices. Each of these devices controls an I/O, and the IC660ELB912 maintains up-to-date images of each one. Moreover, it possesses the capability to communicate with other controllers through the utilization of Global Data, datagrams, and Directed Control Data messages.